Viewpoints by Brian J. Kernohan, at Manulife Investment Management

Brian J. Kernohan

Brian is responsible for overseeing the global sustainability platform for Manulife Investment Management’s private and public markets businesses. This spans timberland, agriculture, real estate, infrastructure, private equity, and private credit as well as public markets’ equity, fixed income, and multi-asset strategies. Brian is accountable for sustainability strategy, developing internal sustainable investing policies and compliance mechanisms across Manulife Investment Management. He also supports regulatory affairs and reporting on sustainability matters.

Previously, Brian was chief sustainability officer for Manulife Investment Management’s private markets business and before that he was the chief sustainability officer at Hancock Natural Resource Group, Manulife’s timberland and agriculture business. Prior to joining the firm, he was director of policy at Forest Capital Partners, where he was responsible for a variety of programs, including forest certification, forest policy, government affairs, public relations, conservation transactions, and ecology support. 

Brian represents Manulife Investment Management on several external groups and committees and he holds the Certified Wildlife Biologist designation from The Wildlife Society, a B.S., Wildlife Ecology from Michigan State University, and a M.S., Wildlife Management from South Dakota State University.

  • Education: B.S., Wildlife Ecology, Michigan State University; M.S., Wildlife Management, South Dakota State University
  • Joined the company: 2012       
  • Began career: 1995