Viewpoints about Diversification
Opportunities you’ve only heard of through the grapevine: private assets
What are real assets and what can they offer? Allocating to any type of private real asset may enhance a portfolio’s yield profile while reducing its price volatility relative to mainstream assets.
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Why invest in agriculture?
Learn why agriculture—perhaps mankind’s oldest investment opportunity—remains one of the most compelling opportunities available today.
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Canadian commercial real estate: quarterly outlook
Our Canadian commercial real estate outlook reveals the latest developments across office, industrial, retail, and multifamily property markets. Learn more.
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Real assets can offer an income alternative to low bond yields
Low bond yields got you down? Learn more about the pivotal role private real assets can play in creating a robust investment income stream that’s built to last.
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Canadian real estate: can it help smooth volatility in your portfolio? (podcast)
What are the benefits of direct real estate? How can real estate provide diversification and risk reduction in my portfolio? What rates of return can it look to bring? This episode will explore these questions and more.
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Focus on diversification: Exploring the use of private assets (podcast)
What are private assets? How do they fit in a pension-style portfolio? How can they offer diversification during these volatile times? This episode will explore the above questions and more.
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Investing in agriculture: Bonnefield Canadian Farmland Evergreen LP (podcast)
Who is Bonnefield Financial? What are the objectives of Bonnefield Canadian Farmland Evergreen LP? How has it performed and how will it impact client portfolios? This episode will explore the above questions and more.
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