Das economy: Three-minute macro
With a full-blown energy crisis, the outlook for Europe’s largest economy is dire, with many headwinds to face. Meanwhile, investors might not know it, but ESG factors are having major impacts on the global economy.
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Time to deliver: Three-minute macro
Delivery times for products are improving, which should help ease inflation pressures. But a hawkish Bank of Canada has us keeping an eye on the housing market, while we think the European equity market is underpricing risk there.
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What are private markets?
Private markets allow buyers and sellers to trade assets through direct negotiation rather than through an intermediary, such as a public securities exchange.
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Can investing in Canadian commercial real estate help smooth volatility in your portfolio?
In this article, we look at the potential benefits the asset class can offer investors in today’s inflationary environment.
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Five timeless principles for investing success
While investing in volatile times can sometimes challenge your discipline and commitment, there are timeless principles to include in your investment strategy that can help ease your mind and keep you focused on the long term.
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Under pressure: Three-minute macro
This month, we note that the equity risk premium isn’t indicating a growth slowdown in the near future (despite our views to the contrary), while also cautioning that fewer people may be heading back to the office than we suspect many are hoping for. Finally, we look at how the Federal Reserves aggressive policy trajectory might affect Asia.
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Analyzing the Real Estate Landscape in Canada (podcast)
In this episode, our guest speakers will assess the macroeconomic trends for the upcoming quarter and comment on the current landscape of real estate investing in Canada.
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A spotlight on Canadian Fixed Income
An appreciating Canadian dollar—which we expect will happen on a structural basis— might provide an attractive return profile for both Canadian sovereign debt and credit, learn more.
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A spotlight on Canadian Equity
We continue to find Canadian equities attractive because of their supportive dividend profile and reasonable valuations, discover why.
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A spotlight on Real Estate Equity
A hawkish Bank of Canada has many Canadian homeowners on watch. Can Canadian real estate help smooth volatility in your portfolio? We examine how inflation and other factors impact the current real estate space.
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